Rich Stevens wrote the first edition of this book on his own, and it became an instant classic.
I couldn't have updated this book without the support of my family. They put up with piles of papers scattered about the house (well, more so than usual), my monopolizing most of the computers in the house, and lots of hours with my face buried behind a computer terminal. My wife, Jeanne, even helped out by installing Linux for me on one of the test machines.
The technical reviewers suggested many improvements and helped make sure that the content was accurate. Many thanks to David Bausum, David Boreham, Keith Bostic, Mark Ellis, Phil Howard, Andrew Josey, Mukesh Kacker, Brian Kernighan, Bengt Kleberg, Ben Kuperman, Eric Raymond, and Andy Rudoff.
I'd also like to thank Andy Rudoff for answering questions about Solaris and Dennis Ritchie for digging up old papers and answering history questions. Once again, the staff at Addison-Wesley was great to work with. Thanks to Tyrrell Albaugh, Mary Franz, John Fuller, Karen Gettman, Jessica Goldstein, Noreen Regina, and John Wait. My thanks to Evelyn Pyle for the fine job of copyediting.
As Rich did, I also welcome electronic mail from any readers with comments, suggestions, or bug fixes.