Also Known As: Textual Three-Dimensional Data Description

Type Vector/animation
Colors 16 million
Compression None
Maximum Image Size Unlimited
Multiple Images Per File Yes
Numerical Format ASCII
Originator Glenn Lewis
Platform All
Supporting Applications T3DLIB
See Also IFF, TDDD

Used primarily as a method of editing and interchanging TDDD file format information.

For a complete understanding of TTDDD you need to read about the IFF and TDDD file formats as well.

Vendor specifications are available for this format.

Code fragments are available for this format.

The TTDDD (Textual Three-Dimensional Data Description format) is an ASCII data representation of the TDDD (T3D) file format used by Impulse for its Turbo Silver and Imagine rendering and animation software products. In fact, so much of the information in the TDDD specification is relevant to TTDDD that no official separate TTDDD file format specification has ever been written.

File Organization
File Details
For Further Information

TTDDD was created as part of two, now obsolete, programs, ReadTDDD and WriteTDDD. These programs were capable of reading a TDDD file and writing out a TTDDD file and vice versa. They have now been replaced by the newer T3DLIB shareware library and utilities. (See "For Further Information" later in this article for more details about T3DLIB.)

File Organization

All TTDDD files are simple ASCII files that may be read with any text editor. Each line contains a 4-letter case-insensitive keyword, followed by an optional parameter name and one or more values. Array subscripts need not be contained within double quotes. Comments may appear in TTDDD files in the form of the standard C comment tokens /* */ surrounding the comment, or the TeX token % appearing at the beginning of the comment. Here are some examples of valid keyword/parameter/value combinations:

  NAME "Fred"                % Keyword and value
  NAME Fred                  % Same, but no double quotes
  BRSH[0]="Brush 0"          % String assigned to array element 0
  BRSH 0 =Brush 0            % Same, but no double quotes or brackets
  OBSV Focal  2.82           % Keyword, parameter, and one value
  OBSV Rotate Z=2.7 X=4.3    % Keyword, parameter, and two values
  FADE FadeTo 23 99 254      % Keyword, parameter, and three values
  OSTR Info ABS_TRA Z_ALIGN  % Keyword, parameter, and two flags

File Details

TTDDD files do not have a header, other than possibly a few comment lines identifying the file contents, author, and time and date of creation. The actual vector data is organized as a series of chunks, each enclosed by a BEGIN and END keyword pair. The INFO chunk usually appears first in older TTDDD files. Newer TTDDD files do not typically have an INFO chunk because the Imagine product does not use them.

An example of an INFO chunk is shown here:

INFO Begin
  NAME "Gizmo"
  BRSH[0]="This is the IFF ILBM filename of Brush 0"
  BRSH 1 ="Brush 1"              % Brackets are optional.
  STNC[0] "Stencil 0 filename"   % etc.
  TXTR[0] Texture                % Quotes not necessary here.
  OBSV Camera X=5.0 Y=2.7 Z=5.3  % Default: -100 -100 100
  OBSV Rotate Z=2.7 X=4.3        % In this case, Y=0.0
  OBSV Focal 2.82
  OTRK "Object for Camera Tracking"
                                 % If parameters are too long,
                                 % they are simply truncated.
  OSTR Path "Path object name"
  OSTR Translate X=2.8 Y=7.3 Z=2.1
                                 % Defaults to zero.
  OSTR Rotate Y=90               % Defaults to zero.
  OSTR Scale 2.5
  OSTR Info ABS_TRA Z_ALIGN      % Keep all flags on THIS LINE!
  FADE FadeAt 50.0
  FADE FadeBy 500
  FADE FadeTo 23 99 254          % "R=23 G=99 B=254"
                                 % Defaults to 80 80 80
  SKYC Horizon R=12 B=30         % Defaults to zero.
  SKYC Zenith R=2 B=50
  AMBI 5 27 32                   % Also RGB
  GLB0[0] 5                      % Edging
  GLB0 1 2                       % Perturb
  GLB0[2] 255                    % Sky_Blend
  GLB0[3] 2                      % Lens
  GLB0 4 1                       % Fade
  GLB0[5]=9                      % Size
  GLB0 6 =2                      % Resolve
  GLB0[7] 0                      % Extra

The order of data within each Begin/End block pair is completely arbitrary, except for variable-length arrays. These arrays must begin with the Count field, specifying the number of entries in the array, followed by the values for the array starting with the first element.

Following the INFO chunk will always be one OBJ chunk per object hierarchy stored in the TTDDD file. Each OBJ chunk contains one DESC sub-chunk or an EXTR sub-chunk. DESC sub-chunks describe object data stored internally within the TTDDD file. EXTR sub-chunks describe the same type of data stored in an external file. Newer TTDDD files typically do not have EXTR sub-chunks. External information is usually imported directly into the TTDDD file as a DESC sub-chunk.

Following is an example of a DESC and an EXTR sub-chunk:

OBJ Begin
** DESC sub-chunk
DESC Begin
  NAME "Gizmo"                   % Object name. Defaults to no name
  SHAP Shape 2                   % This must be supplied!
  SHAP Lamp 0                    % ditto
  POSI X=5.7 Y=200.9 Z=132.7     % Defaults to zero.
  AXIS XAxis X=1                 % Defaults to 1 0 0
  AXIS YAxis Y=1                 % Defaults to 0 1 0
  AXIS ZAxis Z=1                 % Defaults to 0 0 1
  SIZE X=1 Y=1 Z=1               % Defaults to 32.0
  PNTS PCount 3
  PNTS Point[0] 12 27 52         % Brackets and "X=..." optional
  PNTS Point 1  21 72 25         % ditto
  PNTS Point[2] 72 25 21         % ditto
  EDGE ECount 3
  EDGE Edge[0] 0 1               % Edge connection between two points
  EDGE Edge 1  1 2               % Brackets optional
  EDGE Edge 2  2 0
  FACE TCount 1
  FACE Connect[0] 0 1 2          % List of 3 edges to make a triangle
  COLR 87 23 232                 % RGB. Defaults to 240 240 240
  REFL G=12 R=240 B=97           % RGB. Defaults to zero.
  TRAN 25 72 53                  % RGB. Defaults to zero.
  CLST Count 1                   % Must match TCount above.
  CLST Color[0] 240 12 57        % RGB. Defaults to 240 240 240
  RLST Count 1                   % Must match TCount above.
  RLST Color[0] 120 24 23        % RGB. Defaults to zero.
  TLST Count 1                   % Must match TCount above.
  TLST Color[0] 255 92 87        % RGB. Defaults to zero.
  TPAR[0] 42.73
  TPAR[12]=72.67                 % Defaults to zero.
  SURF[4] 1                      % Defaults to zero.
  MTTR Type 4                    % Defaults to zero.
  MTTR Index 2.972               % Defaults to 1.0.
                                 % (1.00 <= Index <= 3.55)
  SPEC Specularity 28            % Defaults to zero.
  SPEC Hardness 16               % Defaults to zero.
  PRP0[0] 100                    % Blending factor. Defaults to 255.
  PRP0[1]=5                      % Roughness factor. Defaults to 0.
  PRP0 2 =1                      % Shading On/Off flag (1/0).
                                 % Defaults to 1.
  PRP0[3] 1                      % Phong shading flag. Defaults to 1
  PRP0[4]=0                      % Glossy flag. Defaults to 0
  PRP0 5  1                      % Quickdraw flag. Defaults to 1
  INTS 200                       % Defaults to 300
  STRY Path "Path object name"
  STRY Translate 2.8 7.3 2.1     % Defaults to zero.
  STRY Rotate Z=90               % Defaults to zero.
  STRY Scale 3.5
  STRY Info ABS_TRA X_ALIGN      % Keep all the flags on THIS LINE!
% Possible child (including external) objects go here to 
% build object hierarchy.
** EXTR sub-chunk
EXTR Begin
  MTRX Translate 34 72 56        % Defaults to zero.
  MTRX Scale 1 5 9               % Defaults to 1.
  MTRX Rotate 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1	 % A Matrix MUST be in the proper order!
  LOAD "External file name"
TOBJ	% Ends current object hierarchy.

For Further Information

For further information about TTDDD, see the documentation included on the CD-ROM. TTDDD was created by Glenn M. Lewis for his shareware package T3DLIB. The current revision of T3DLIB contains many useful utilities and a platform-independent library for C programmers to use that allows easy manipulation of TDDD objects algorithmically.

You can obtain the T3DLIB package via FTP from any Aminet site, such as:

The T3DLIB files have R42 in their names.

You can also contact the author for information:

Glenn M. Lewis
8341 Olive Hill Court
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Voice: 916-721-7196

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