Kodak YCC

Also Known As: YCC, ICC

Type Bitmap
Colors 8-bit, 24-bit
Compression Uncompressed
Maximum Image Size NA
Multiple Images Per File No
Numerical Format Big-endian
Originator Eastman Kodak
Platform All
Supporting Applications Unknown
See Also Kodak Photo CD


Included because YCC files had some currency in high-end graphics and because of its relevance to the Photo CD format.

Vendor specifications are available for this format.

Code fragments are available for this format.

We have been unable to find information on the origin of what has come to be called the Kodak YCC format. Obviously, it originated at Eastman Kodak, in one of the company's graphics-related divisions, but whether it is a "real" format or just a printer dump format, we are unable to tell. We have included it because we have been able to obtain some information on the format and because it may be of interest to people involved with Photo CD or 24-bit color applications in general.

File Organization
File Details
For Further Information

The Kodak YCC format provides data in a format compatible with Kodak's XL7700 printer, which produces truecolor and gray-scale output.

File Organization

A Kodak YCC file consists of a header followed by bitmap data. The bitmap data is organized into three planes in the order red, green, and blue.

File Details

The Kodak YCC has the following structure:

LONG Magic;          /* Magic number = 5965600 */
LONG HSize;          /* Header Size, in bytes */
CHAR Un01[n];        /* Unused (n = Header Size - 4 bytes) */
LONG HSize;          /* File header length */
LONG FSize;          /* File size */
CHAR FName[16]       /* Filename */
LONG FType;          /* File Type (= 7) */
CHAR Un02[8];        /* Unused */
LONG XSize;          /* Image X size */
LONG YSize;          /* Image Y size */
CHAR Un03[12];       /* Unused */
LONG Planes;         /* Number of image planes (usually 1 or 3) */
CHAR Un04[8];        /* Unused */

Following the header is the image data. If the image is composed of gray-scale data, one plane of 8-bit gray-scale data is present. If the image is truecolor, then there are three planes in the sequence red, green, blue. Each plane consists of 8-bit data. If the data is to be interpreted otherwise, for example, as Y,C,C (luminance followed by two chrominance channels), each channel is eight bits in length, but the rendering application must interpret the data according to the appropriate color model.

For Further Information

For further information about the Kodak YCC format, see the summary description (a newsgroup posting) included on the CD-ROM. We have tried unsuccessfully to obtain information from Kodak about this format, so we don't believe you will be able to get any help from them. If you wish to try yourself, contact Kodak at:

Eastman Kodak Corporation
343 State Street
Rochester, NY 14650
Voice: 800-242-2424
WWW: http://www.kodak.com/

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