Brenda (The Batch Renderer) v2.0 is a batch file image converter for MS Windows distributed as a form of shareware called "tollware" (see the program documentation).
Brenda allows multiple-file conversion between format types and color depths. It converts between TIFF, TGA, BMP, DIB, PCX, and JPEG. This package also allows the conversion of color image files to grayscale, maps truecolor images to palette, converts palette images to truecolor, and creates an optimized palette for up to 100 source images.
This is a well-written and useful tool, if a bit cryptic in layout. The author has chosen to market this as tollware, which means he wants you to send him $5.00 every time you use it.
Brenda (The Batch Renderer) is in the directory
on the CD-ROM. Brenda (The Batch Renderer) is from
Magic Bullet Communications, Inc.
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