Graphics Read OSAX v1.20 is shareware AppleScript Additions for the Macintosh.
You can use these AppleScript Additions to read Window's BMP (black-and-white, 16-color and 256-color files only), and to copy Macintosh PICT and MacPaint files onto the clipboard. The Additions enable you to paste the result into an application, such as MacWrite Pro, that supports the AppleScript Paste command. The routine used to create these AppleScript Additions is the same routine used in the BMP/PICT drag-and-drop translator, reworked into an AppleScript Addition. Also note that these AppleScript Additions are not "fat," so they will be slower than BMP/PICT on a PC.
You might also want to see Mark Fleming's AFE and XTEND translators and BitMaptoEPS, also included on the CD.
Graphics Read is in the directory
/software/mac/Graphics Read OSAX
on the CD-ROM. Graphics Read is from
R. Mark Fleming.
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