The AFE and XTND translator packages are shareware file conversion utilities for the Macintosh.
Apple File Exchange (AFE) translators exist for the TIFF, EPSF, BMP to PICT, and BW Bitmap to BMP formats, and XTND translators exist for the WMF, BMP, StartupScreen, and PCX formats. These translator packages are distributed as shareware with site licenses available.
You may also wish to see Mark Fleming's BitmaptoEPS translator, also on the CD.
AFE and XTND Translator Packages are in the directory
/software/mac/AFE and XTND translators
on the CD-ROM. AFE and XTND Translator Packages are from
R. Mark Fleming.
For up-to-date contact information and links to the most recent versions, please consult the GFF Web Center.
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