Several code fragments for the OFF format are available:
README.TXT is an ASCII copyright document.
ADDPROP.C is C-language code that adds a property structure to an OFF property list.
CREATEOB.C is C-language code that allocates and initializes an OFF object description structure.
DESTROYO.C is C-language code that destroys the specified object and deallocates all memory resources associated with that object.
FREEPROP.C frees a property structure and its associated memory resources.
The Makefile.
OFF.H is a C-language C header file.
OFFCONV.C is C-language code that converts OFF (Object File Format) files from ASCII to binary and vice versa.
PACKOBJ.C is C-language code that packs an OFF object in memory.
READGENE.C is C-language code that reads a generic data file.
READINDE.C is C-language code that reads an indexed data file.
READINDP.C is C-language code that reads an indexed_poly data file.
READOBJ.C is C-language code that reads an OFF object data file.
REMOVEPR.C is C-language code that removes the named property from a property list.
WRITEGEN.C is C-language code that writes a generic data file.
WRITEIN2.C is C-language code that writes an indexed data file.
WRITEIND.C is C-language code that writes an indexed_poly data file.
WRITEOBJ.C is C-language code that writes an OFF object data file.
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